Vurkka's fanfic #2. written on stream by Shamblernaut 18/03/2020 request is: "shubbie babysitting her children with negative reinforcement. year has to be 536 and the words myriad, testament and popularity has to appear atleast once" The following is a translation of a sanscript inscription on a stone tablet found deep in the Amazon rainforest. The translation was made by Dr. Thomas G. Whittston of Miskatonic University. This record is the true testament of Ah-Mun, I speak before God and attest that this is a true record of the fate of Ah-Tabai, Acan, and Ekchauh. In 10th day of the hot season in the year of 536. For 3 nights and 3 days our village was tormented by invisible creatures, their rattling and screeches terrified us to our cores. Every morning we would leave our huts after the sounds had dulled, to inspect our village. Each of us would dread leaving and seeing the horribly mutilated livestock. The bodies of the cattle were emaciated, with giant gashes down their sides, their eyes completely bloodshot and lifeless. Acan asked whether their souls had been taken by the creatures. Indeed it seemed like this could have been the case. Others without obvious injury lay dead, emaciated and lifeless, like the others. On the fourth night Ekchauh, the strongest and bravest of us said that he would stay outside to shepherd the remaining livestock. Again, that night the sounds were heard, a quick but muted scream emerged from Ekchauh, then silence. We emerged the following morning with no obvious signs of Ekchauh, with the exception of a trail of what looked like 2 legs being dragged through bloodied mud. I Ah-Mun, sought Acan and Ah-Tabai to follow the trail and attack the monsters at their nest. We set off as soon as we could gather our supplies and our weapons. I led the way, followed by the others. As we progressed through the jungle we heard no animal sounds, no birds, no rustling of jaguars or lizards. Deathly terrifying silence. Every so often we would find a small droplet of blood, indicating that Ekchauh had been dragged this way. The trail ended at a cave entrance, a cave which had not been here just one season ago. A rockslide seemed to have uncovered the entrance, and perhaps unleashed the evils hidden within upon the world. We progressed into the cave, driven to rescue, or avenge Ekchauh. The cave spiralled downward, on and on it descended, deep into the earth. The air grew dry and stale, a small torch we had lit before entering illuminated our path. We slowed as we began hearing unhuman-like screams coming from some area ahead. The path began to open up into a atrium-like opening. We hid the torch behind a boulder as cave worms seemed to illuminate the area ahead. We squinted our eyes, and out of the blur emerged a myriad of hiddeous creatures, unlike anything any of us had previously seen. The creatures were gathered around a giant beast. The beast had many cloven hooveed legs, with black tendrils holding the body of Ekchauh, one of which seemed to be stroking him. Hungrily, the monsters leapt toward Ekchauh, but the larger beast seemed to rebuke them, almost as if they were it's children and it was punishing them. The larger creature let out guttoral howl, and as if in some kind of other worldly popularity contest, the monsters began fighting among themselves over what appeared to be their future meal. Acan saw this fighting as an opportunity to resuce Ekchauh and while I protested he insisted on going to rescue him. Ah-Tabai, Acan's best friend could not let him go alone and also insisted on the rescue. As I was reading to join them, they prevented me, telling me to watch and escape if necessary, that others might need to be warned of the danger. I watched as the two crept down toward the monsters and Ekchauh's broken form. The monsters were now in the midst of their fight, one had been defeated, spilling an unholy black blood onto the cavern floor, the other two still fighting. As the last monster fell, Acan and Ah-Tabai rushed in, Acan trying to rescue Ekchauh's broken form from the larger monster, and Ah-Tabai attempting to attack the now injured final monster. However, with one decisive sweep, before either of the two could reach their destinations they were cleaved in half by one other the giant monster's tendrils. I watched in shock, there was no way anything so thin could cut through two solid men, especially as they were endowed in thick animal hides. I ran. The memories of the trip back to the village were a blur. I took my family and the other members of the village that could travel and came here to the captial. This is my testament to the fates of my friends. For 3 days and 3 nights now, we have heard the same monstrous noises that beset our village. Here too people and animals have gone missing. It is only a matter of time before our fates are the same as Ekchauh, Acun and Ah-Tabai. Let others who come across this tablet be warned of the hiddeous creature we now call shub-niggurath and her monsterous children.